Rubank Book of Trumpet Solos Intermediate Level

  • Artikel-Nr: 802
  • Zustand: neu
  • Hersteller:Rubank
  • Status: Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tage Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tage

This compilation of 11 trumpet solos from the legendary Rubank educational library now includes online access to: · Full-performance and accompaniment-only audio tracks · PDF piano accompaniment files · PLAYBACK+ A multi-functional audio player that allows you to adjust tempo without changing pitch, change keys, and create practice loops - available exclusively from Hal Leonard. Contents: (by VanderCook unless noted) Andante from Concerto in Eb (Haydn) · Ballade (Shelukov) · Bonita (Valse Brilliante) · Carnival of Venice (Davis) · The Cavalier (Shelukov) · Debonnaire · The Executant (Endresen) · Fanfare March (Shelukov) · Premier Solo de Coucours (Maniet) · Punchinello · The Technician (Endresen)

Untertitel: with Piano Accompaniment
Besetzung: Trumpet
Verlag: Rubank Publications
Serie: Rubank Solo Collection
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittelschwer
Produktart: Buch + Online-Audio
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Seitenzahl: 16
Zustand: neu
Hersteller: Rubank
  1. Andante [Concerto In E Flat]
  2. Ballade
  3. Bonita [Valse Bril]
  4. Carnival Of Venice
  5. Cavalier
  6. Debonnaire
  7. Executant, The
  8. Fanfare March
  9. Prem.Solo De Concours
  10. Punchinello
  11. Technician

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